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Reviewing the Law
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Sophie Sherlock  specialises in all aspects of Family Law including:-
• Divorce and Matrimonial Finances• Child Arrangements • Special Guardianship • Pre-nuptial and Post-nuptial Agreements • Cohabitation Agreements • Separation Agreements• Domestic Abuse • Cohabitation disputes

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Family Law

Divorce and Finances 

The break up of a marriage is never easy and it can be difficult to know where to start. I will be there to guide you through the whole process from separating, issuing divorce proceedings and helping you to achieve the appropriate financial settlement.

Gold Wedding Rings

Child Arrangements 

One of the most emotional and difficult part of separating is agreeing where the children of the family will live and how they will spend time with the other parent. I will give you pragmatic advice and help you to achieve the best arrangements for your children. Where an agreement cannot be reached proceedings may have to be issued through the court. You will be guided through the whole process from making the appropriate court application to explaining the law and guiding you through each court hearing.

Parent and Child

Cohabitation disputes

Separation for unmarried couples can be complex especially when property is involved. Legally, unmarried couples do not have the same rights as married couples which can often lead to disputes occuring upon separation and it is imperative that legal advice is sought before cohabiting or purchasing a property together. Many cases can result in court proceedings being issued under the Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 which can be complex and costly therefore it is essential that the correct advice is given from the start. If you find that a dispute arises in relation to the ownership of the property after separation, you may need to seek legal advice to address this.

home keys

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse doesn't always have to be violent. Abuse can be emotional and verbal. It can be in the form of financial control or you could be isolated from your family and friends. No one should have to suffer from this.
I am here to provide you with legal advice and support. I can apply to the court for the relevant orders such as a non-molestation order and/or an occupation order to protect you from the perpetrator.

Woman on Window Sill

Special Guardianship

There are times when a child cannot live with their parents and instead are placed with other family members, friends or foster carers. Special Guardianship is an alternative to a Child Arrangements Order and allows a child to secure their placement and allows their carer to aquire Parental Responsibility and exercise this exclusively. Sometimes a financial package is available to support the Special Guardians finacially for the duration of the Order.

Preparing Jams

Pre-Nuptial Agreements

Pre-Nuptial agreements have become increasingly popular. Often couples wish to protect assets that they are bringing into the marriage in case they separate in the future. A pre-nuptual agreement allows couples to agree how the assets will be divided in the future upon divorce. 
It is important that legal advice is sought before entering into such an agreement and the parties must be aware of each others assets and the implications of entering into such an agreement before doing so. Post-nuptial Agreements can be made after the marriage if it's not possible to enter into an agreement before the marriage.

The Contract
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Judge Gavel

DISCLAIMER: Everything displayed on this site shall be regarded as general information and in no way should it be interpreted as legal advice. You should contact a lawyer directly regarding your own situation. 

 Arthurs, First Floor, 13 Station Rd, Birchington CT7 9DJ

01843 210377

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Sophie Sherlock LLB

Member of Resolution

I am a Solicitor of England and Wales authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

SRA ID 339221

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